Steve Zurel was a safari guide for over 10 years and he absolutely loved the bush life.
Steve could never work a normal boring desk-job and loved the fact that he could wear shorts during the week, meet lots of interesting people and of course spend time viewing amazing wild life.
However, once Steve married his wife Lizaan he decided that he needed a change of career path. He committed himself to helping others find employment at amazing lodges and resorts throughout Africa. He wanted to help others that like him, had a passion for adventure.
In 2014 , Steve launched Facebush Recruitment – a recruitment agency in the lodge industry. This came after the success of popular Facebook group “Facebush” a meeting place for employers and candidates in the lodge industry to interact.
Seeing how recognized the platform has become, Steve has now joined up with Malcolm and Jayden, retail specialists with vast experience, with whom he has now launched “Facebush Lodge Gear”, which will strive to deliver essential lodge and guiding equipment at competitive prices to all members of the Facebush community.